Trauma-Informed Care - HERE'S a nice article about TIC. Be sure to check out the, The Five Principles of Trauma-Informed Care section to see how closely we (team builders) can align with this practice.
Impaired Vision Goggles - These are not cheep, but if you have access to some of these (e.g., from your school), give them a try with some team building activities. Participants find that being 'distracted' by the change in vision pulls them away from group connection and the task at hand. Black Bug Eye Glasses - These can be used to impair vision (and much less expensive). Shutter Shades Glasses - Here's another (even less expensive) vision impairment prop. Mine Field - (a.k.a., Obstacle Field) This is a classic communication activity (talked about by Chris). The earliest documentation found is in, The Bottomless Bag by Karl Rohnke, 1988. HERE'S a basic video of the activity. Human Camera - The earliest write up we could find is in, Silver Bullets by Karl Rohnke, 1984. This is the activity Michelle talked about. HERE'S a Training Wheels blog post (from Michelle) with a link to a full set of directions.
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