Let's talk about our experiences with team building. I know this space will learn and grow along with us - let's build this together. Below are my thoughts, at this moment, about interacting at, On Team Building. I will update these interaction guidelines from time-to-time based on feedback from you and observations on the interactions. (At present, I am the sole editor of this content. This will certainly change over time. Anyone want to join the, On Team Building editorial team?) Interaction Guidelines (at this time):
From here, let's find out what you would like to discuss at, On Team Building. Leave a Comment below, or submit a "Contact Form" (under the Contact tab above), with your topics and we'll get started.
Let's learn something together! Chris Cavert, Ed.D. FUNdoing (Activity resources for Team Builders) TeamBuilderPowerUps (An online school for Team Builders)
Hi Chris! I'm a fan of what you are doing and I am looking forward to learning from you and others. I'm helping with a "Women In Network" workshop this weekend and I've been asked to do team building activities. I only have 20 minutes per session and the groups will be mostly strangers, or mere acquaintances at best. Thoughts for a couple of quick and easy activities that would perhaps provide a basis for future connections?
2/1/2019 04:49:11 pm
For 20 minutes, I would definitely go with Handshakes - there is a two-part video at my blog - go to FUNdoing.com/blog and use the search feature to find "Handshakes". And, I might start with the Ice-Breaker Question Cards at the FUNdoing site as well - go to the "Resources" page, scroll down to Activity Tools. The cards are the first choice - you just need to print, cut and play (if you will have more than 32 people in your group, just make two set). After pairs share their questions, they switch cards and then find someone else to talk with - raise a hand when you want to talk, look for someone doing the same thing. Get together and ask away.
2/11/2019 07:32:08 am
Hey, Chris! I'm so excited for this site, and these conversations! I have truly missed the type of dialogue I am anticipating will come from this type of platform!
Chris Cavert
2/11/2019 09:14:17 am
Floyd, thanks TONS for getting us started - all great topics to open up. Like you, I can't wait to dive in and get talking. To the readers seeing this, what else can team builders talk about?
Jeremy Yarbrough
2/22/2019 09:17:43 am
2/22/2019 09:35:31 am
Thanks Jeremy! Good topics to roll out. The first topic will be out this next week related to what we call what we do. Looking forward to your thoughts...
2/25/2019 07:16:11 am
I just started reading a new book on "Leadership," one of the topics this industry tends to thow out there in our outcomes. Maybe we could spend some time discussing leadership and refuting some of the practices and philosophies we have and present about this topic. Spoiler alert; I'm much more team Peter Block than I am John Maxwell.
Chris Cavert
2/25/2019 10:17:19 am
Floyd, leadership, as you know, is always a front-row topic to unpack. (I've got the "Yes" Peter Block on hold from the library - looking forward to reading.) Wondering something like a book/person review - what leadership philosophies team builders are using and why. For me, over the years, I learned about leadership principles through the groups I worked with - I learned ahead of time what they were following/learning and then we worked "their" principles into the activities. I saw good parts in all the thoughts. A dialogue around this topic would be interesting.
3/1/2019 06:38:31 am
I would love to have more introductions (or deeper) to different leadership ideas. Would there be a place for a leadership list that could include leadership philosophies, and the basic principles they use? This could be a running list we could add to as we continue to learn and grow.
Chris Cavert
3/1/2019 07:37:09 am
Floyd, my initial thought is to have a "Leadership & Team Building" Category in the Index for the site. This can be a good place for the list. Any other ideas that could work better?
3/9/2019 03:10:37 pm
Hi Floyd,
3/11/2019 07:54:58 am
Hey, Lynn! I would be glad to connect with you! Feel free to email: [email protected]. 3/8/2019 12:53:08 pm
Hi Chris et al,
3/8/2019 04:44:02 pm
Randy, I'm really, really into this, as well. I highly recommend Peter Block's book "community;the structure of belonging." Mr Block points out that we not only put undue stress on leaders, but we also outsource our own responsibility, values, etc... to our leaders and expect that because we've chosen them, our job is done. One of my favorite style of activities for this are "build your own adventure" style activities, or "figure out the rules to this adventure" style activities. I also have a fun (at least for me) take on the game "silent football" that really makes this evident.
Chris Cavert
3/8/2019 03:52:50 pm
Randy, a great topic to add to the list. We've got a good list of topics now, so we'll start chipping away. Thanks for sharing!
Robert Brack
4/8/2019 03:28:06 pm
I would be happy (thrilled even) to join in these conversations or possible help join an editorial team. (Talk about checking off an item on my Bucket List!)
4/8/2019 09:16:40 pm
Robert, GREAT topics. They are all on the list as we roll out posts. Right now there is one going on about Leadership Theories on the Course. Nothing there yet on Situational Leadership - is that something you can add to the post? Looking forward to exploring your conversation topics!!
4/8/2019 09:21:20 pm
Robert - about an Editorial Team, this can be something to explore as we get more participation. I don't know how this will play out yet. If you have thoughts about this, let the community know so we can flush this out. Thanks!! (We'll explore this together.)
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Activity Resources OTB FacilitatorDr. Chris Cavert is an educator, author and trainer. His passion is helping team builders learn and grow. Archives
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