Keeping you updated on the latest news, ideas, projects and events.
What we're doing together and what we can do!
Keeping you updated on the latest news, ideas, projects and events.
What we're doing together and what we can do!
Forward Now Report: Looking Back at 2019 and Forward into 2020
I love creating, training and sharing. And I want to do more of it together in 2020!
You Are My Team!!
Last year, the thought leaders I followed talked a lot about 'growing your team.' My first thought (limiting belief) was, "I can't afford to do that right now." The question, that eventually emerged was, "How can I grow my team?" It hit me! You are my team! If you've been following the fun at FUNdoing for a while, or you just connected to OnTeamBuilding, or you are enrolled in my online course at TeamBuilderPowerUps, or you are new to it all - you are my team. You're here. You're learning and growing. You're getting the good word out - there is a community of team builders, from all over the world, finding useful activities to add to programs and reading up on team building ideas that can inform more thoughtful practice. And, it doesn't just come from me. You, and others like you, are helping the content roll out. So, I'm using the 'we' collective moving forward. I hope you decide to stick with us! We can do this together. (Ways you can help are below.)
What did we do in 2019?
- The TeamBuilderPowerUps online school was launched with one course - Team Building with Puzzles. Currently there are 92 students enrolled in the course. (And, another 44 students in the school waiting for announcements for other course.)
- 25 FUNdoing Blog Posts with original activity content and much more.
- The OnTeamBuilding blog was launched with seven posts throughout the year.
- Young Teambuilders Blog site was opened as a place for team building high school and college-aged students to post original content - a place for them to share their voice about their team building journey. (We've been promoting this site a little bit in the Colorado area but it has not taken off yet - still looking for the first submission. I have a pretty good feeling 2020 is the year.)
- Places I shared all the stuff we created: ACCT, NCCPS (I'll be here in Colorado again this year), Hoosier Leadership Workshop (here in Indiana again this year), California, Hawaii, Oregon, Montana, and India (what an adventure).
- And, lots of team building programs (to help pay the bills!!)
What are we going to keep doing? (2019 Survey Results Related to FUNdoing Fridays)
- Most team builders use some of the content shared - so, let's keep going with FUNdoing Fridays (If you're not on the list yet, use the form HERE to sign up for FREE activities emailed to you every two weeks.)
- Favorite types of activities were Problem Solving and posts with videos. We'll keep these going too.
- Frequency? Most people liked twice a month. (There were more 'once-a-weekers' than I thought there would be. Good News! OTB content will be posted on the non-FUNdoing Fridays weeks. Sign up to get notices at the OTB Home Page.)
- Most people liked three items per email - The new blog notice, another activity (link or directions) and a thought-provoking picture (these have been fun - quite a few team builders out there ended up making what they saw in the picture). Okay. Three items it is for 2020
2019 Survey results with lots of great Comments to consider. I hope we can address as many needs as possible in 2020!
What are we going to do in 2020? With your help! (So exciting.)
- The OnTeamBuilding Podcast is launching early this year!! (So far I've done five interviews and, to date, I have three more scheduled. When I have 10 ready to go, we'll get started.) The Plan: New episodes with team builders all over the world, posted during OnTeamBuilding weeks (the non-FUNdoing Fridays weeks). So, 26 episodes this year.
- 10 New Courses added to the TeamBuilderPowerUps school. Lots in store for the school. Wonderful collaborations happening right now. Some FREE course will be available as well!!
- The Mondrian Team Building Puzzle Kickstarter Campaign and with success, the kit will ship before the end of the year. (The Mondrian Puzzle Kit is part of the Team Building with Puzzles online course - including DIY instructions.)
- 25 FUNdoing Blog Posts
- 26 FUNdoing Fridays emails (#26 is the Year-End Survey)
- 25 OnTeamBuilding Blog Posts
To make all this happen - we need to do this together. I need YOUR HELP.
How can you help the team this year? (FREE stuff you can do.)
- Get on the FUNdoing Fridays list (FREE activity resources every two weeks), and forward the emails to everyone you know! (Well, maybe just the ones interested in team building.) Get on the list HERE.
- Share content that can be posted at FUNdoing or OnTeamBuilding (OTB) - help team builders all over the world.
- Edit Posts. If you are an active reader of the FUNdoing & OTB Blogs, sign up with me to edit posts (e.g., spelling, grammar stuff, missing words). Email me your interest in this and I'll put you to work (you tell me how many posts you would like to edit this year).
- Find a group we can film so we can build more online courses and add to the FUNdoing and OTB blogs. Better yet, send in a film we can use!!
- Be a guest on the OTP Podcast If you are a team builder, you can be an OTB podcast guest. You have something to share with team builders all over the world! Contact me for details.
What else can you do? (INVEST and help team builders all over the world.)
- Pick up (or download) some useful team building resources at the FUNdoing Store.
- Take an online course from the TeamBuilderPowerUps School (lots more on the ways).
- Hire me (Chris) to deliver an activity and/or facilitation training so we can learn and grow face-to-face!
- Become an OTB FUNdoing Member (later this year, a Patreon member page will be available to support development efforts on a monthly basis - more details on the way).
- Back the Kickstarter Campaign (and 'share the good word' about) The Mondrian Team Building - super-cool - Puzzle activity (Campaign opening in the Fall).
- Buy some, 'Let's Talk' time so we can build stuff together.
- Make a 'one time' donation to our resource development efforts (find donation options at the FUNdoing Store).
I am so grateful you are on this adventure with us! It's going to be amazing...
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.