Ubuntu Cards - A super versatile activity prop
Ubuntu Activity Guide - 32 experiences you can lead with the cards
Tinker: Building Purposeful Experiences from Classic Adventure Activities
(Push/Catch is in this book) Legacy: What the All Blacks Can Teach Us About the Business of Like, by James Kerr (About the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team.)
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium/The UnConference - This event is held annually just outside Boulder, Colorado (late February, early March, traditionally). It's all things Challenge Course related. Great setting. Great people. Always informative.
Islands of Healing: A Guide to Adventure Based Counseling (Schoel, Prouty, Radcliffe) Search your favorite used books seller or buy new from FlagHouse (distributing for Project Adventure). "Adventure Based Counseling (ABC) takes the best of what is known in the psychology of human behavior and makes it come alive." The Adventure Wave (from Islands of Healing) - mentioned by Mariah. The link goes to a nice summary of the idea written by Jenny of 'Where My Shoe Pinches.'
Mariah's Favorite Prop: The Rubber Chicken (of course). The link takes you to fun colorful rubber chickens at the Training Wheels online Store.
What Are Your Chickens? - Chris mentioned this one in the show. Here is a PDF download pulled out of his book, Portable Teambuilding Activities:
HERE'S a bonus video of a classic Rubber Chicken game. We know it as 'Alaskan Baseball." (It's a crazy competitive dangerous game - in my opinion!)
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
Nuhop Camp and Retreat Center - Trevor is the Executive Director of this camp.
ACCT Conference (Association for Challenge Course Technology) High Torque Activities Simbols - Trevor spoke about this as a favorite Performance Cubes - Trevor co-created this one with Matthew Broda Crowd Cubes - Trevor co-created this one with Matthew Broda ZOOM - Communication Activity (purchase here) ZOOM Basics - FUNdoing Blog Post ZOOM On the Spot - Variation with Video Communication Structure - Here are the directions to a version of Communication Structure Body Parts Debrief - Trevor mentioned this processing tool Chji Cards - Chris mentioned these image cards were his favorite Chiji Guide Book - A guide to 25 activities you can do with Chiji Cards (including processing activities) Crowd Words - This is another product created by Trevor Dunlop and Matthew Broda. There are 26 activities in the guidebook for the 150+ durable cardstock letter tiles. Brene' Brown Podcast - Unlocking Us - Amazing Content for personal growth!
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
Games for Teachers: (& other stuff) for Teachers: Classroom Activities that Promote Pro-Social Leanring, by Chris Cavert, Laurie Frank & Friends.
New Games Foundation (Laurie spoke of this 'movement' that started in the 1970s - maybe earlier. The focus was on leanring cooperative games that would include everyone.) Popular books from this group: The New Games Book and More New Games! (Search your favorite Used Books options and Amazon - options to buy these books are constantly changing.) Journey Towards the Caring Classroom: Using Adventure to Create Community by Laurie Frank (2nd ed., 2013) Adventure Education for the Classroom Community: Over 90 Activities for Developing Character, Responsibility, and the Courage to Achieve, by Laurie Frank & Ambrose Panico (2007) Despite Nudging, Schools are likely to Stay Shut for Months - (4/28/2020) This is the NYTimes article Laurie referenced. Cooperative Learning Overview (Laurie spoke of the Johnson brother's work - they were instrumental in advancing the cooperative leanring methodology in the 70s and 80s.) WE! Chad Littlefield & Will Wise - the forces behind connection before content. Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World, by Vivek Murthy (2020, 19th Surgeon General of the United States.) Dr. Vivek Murthy and Brene' Brown on Loneliness and Connection (Unlocking Us Podcast - Brene' Brown) Please, please listen to this!! The topic, and addressing it as community/team builders is vital to our survival. The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success inWork and Life, by Shawn Achor (2010). FUNdoing Resources Page for Virtual and Team Building while physically distancing. (This information will be available for a limited time - dive in as soon as you can.)
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
Email: [email protected]
Website: sourceconsultinggroup.com Solomon's Current Favorite Activities Key Pad Express (FUNdoing Blog Post - variation of Key Punch) Warp Speed Detailed Description Video Example Using an Activity Rope Blind Shapes Blind Shapes Description
One with the Rope - This is another activity from Sam Sikes. This one is found in, The More The Merrier: Lead Playful Activities with Large Groups. In one version, everyone holds onto the rope (long length, not tied at the ends). Players are at least two feet apart. Then, the group is challenged to tie an overhand knot into each space between players, without anyone letting go of the rope.
Helium Pole/Stick - Directions are found in Rohnke's, FUNN 'N Games (2004) book. (However, this activity might have ties to Micheal Gass, published for the first time in the Zip Lines magazine put out by Project Adventure - we would love confirmation on this.) Description on the Web Video
More from Solomon
What is F.U.N.N.
Favorite Books: Affordable Portables (and mentioned in the Podcast: Portable Teambuilding Activities) The EMPTY Bag
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
Email Chris through the OTB Contact form if you have questions for Dixie.
The Grunting Pig - Dixies favorite prop. Domino Racing Toy Game - this is a link to colorful wooden dominos.
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
Email Dan if you have questions for him: [email protected]
Tim Farriss Podcast & Blog - my go-to listen for life and business tips Karl Rohnke - Part of the original Project Adventure team in the United States. Karl is the first author of adventure-based activity books in the U.S. Three of Karl's best books:
ZOOM (the book without words) - link to purchase About ZOOM blog post with directions at FUNdoing ZOOM variation video at FUNdoing Dr. Tom Smith - best known for his Raccoon Circles team building activity book. Play for Peace - check out the amazing work they are doing all over the world.
Chiji Cards - a great set of image cards for processing and team building.
Chiji Card Activity idea at the FUNdoing blog. Energy Ball - Here's a purchase site with a short video on what it does. Energy Bar - (search this if you dare!) Here is the 'Energy Tube' - the same prop as Dan talked about.
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
Email Dan if you have questions for him: [email protected]
The It's a What? activity is found (as 'A What?') in More New Games from 1981. Here is the only version I could find online from Google Books in, The Really Useful Maths Book: A Guide to Interactive Teaching (hope you get more of the idea):
Energy Ball - Here's a purchase site with a short video on what it does.
Energy Bar - (search this if you dare!) Here is the 'Energy Tube' - the same prop as Dan talked about. Chiji Cards and other processing props. Climer Cards - another amazing set of image cards. Play for Peace - Please check out the great work they are doing all over the world! Dr. Tom Smith - Best known for his Raccoon Circles work (tubular webbing tied into a circle for loads of team building applications). More on his book HERE FREE Download of Raccoon Circles activities from Dr. Jim Cain
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
You can email Kelli if you have questions for her: [email protected]
Vendors of The Association for Challenge Course Technology offer certifications for Level 1 and Level 2 facilitators and a Challenge Course Manager (CCM) certification. These are the two vendors who collaborated in the Level 2 and CCM training Kelli attended:
Kelli talked about Tennis Ball Pass - it's also known as Mass Pass.
Action video HERE Adventure Curriculum for Physical Education: Middle School has a full description. (Project Adventure publishes the Adventure Curriculum for Physical Education series - Elementary, Middle School, High School) Brene' Brown does some great work on vulnerability: Daring Greatly Braving the Wilderness The What? So What? and Now What? model was introduced in, Reach, Touch and Teach by Terry Borton (in 1970) Open to Outcome: A Practical Guide for Facilitating & Teaching Experiential Reflection. (2nd ed.)
This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
OTB Graphics - Riki Would you like a super-quick email reminder when OTB content (podcast or blog) is available? Fill out the form below and we'll keep you posted.
You can email Josh if you have questions: [email protected]
Silver Bullets, by Karl Rohnke (this link is to the 25th anniversary edition - some new content added since the first edition from 1984) The Association for Experiential Education (check out the Professional Development tab for local and international conference information) The National Challenge Course Practitioners Symposium - NCCPS (this event is now called the UnConference) Interested in Wilderness Therapy? Thought you might want to check out this podcast: Stories from the Field: Demystifying Wilderness Therapy Josh mentioned the activity ZOOM. Here is a SHORT DESCRIPTION You can pick up your copy of the book at TRAINING WHEELS Here's a nice MUSICAL VISUAL tour of the ZOOM pages to get the idea Community building activities using 15-foot lengths of 1-inch tubular webbing: The Revised and Expanded Book of Raccoon Circles Playing with a Full Deck: 52 Activities Using a Deck of Cards Josh shared with us his Matrix of Activities (thanks Josh) - he uses this when programming and keeps it in his back pocket in case he needs some ideas in the moment:
Josh mentioned the Green Glass Door activity (some people call these 'All In' puzzles). He also mentioned we need to be very careful with these so we don't push people away from the group instead of drawing them in. Emphasize that the idea is to keep trying and looking for the clues that will help you be successful. Here is a description to GREEN GLASS DOOR.
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This podcast is another facet in a network of resources being developed in an ongoing effort to help team builders, all over the world, learn and grow:
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OTB Podcast
Show Notes The OnTeamBuilding podcast explores the favorite tools, books, programming ideas, lessons learned and solid advice from team builders all over the world. Episodes
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